Sunday 11 December 2011


kali niey nk update sal temper.. ak niey bukan la org yg boleh kawal ngat temper, tp xd la ak g marah2 org x tn2 pasal, 2 gile nme nye... hehehe.... kalo nk ckp sal temper, temper ak mmg tggi.. dlu lagi dasat, pantang org tego ak pown da nak melenting... tp 2 dlu laa.... skunk da ok daa.... hehehe.... ak igt lagi tyme ak form 4, ak bengang sbb pe ntah ak pown da x igt, pas2 ak kua klas, dok kat lua jap, konon2 nk sejok kn aty laa tp x berkesan pown,.... pas2 ak pegi tendang tong smpah yg x bersalah kt blakang ak... pecah laa tong smpah berkenaan... x laa berkecai.. sket jer.. ak nmpk kecerderaan yang berlaku kt tong 2, tp ak wat bodo jer... ak msok klas ak marah2 g.. ak tolak2 meje la, hape laa... tyme 2 sume dak klas ak pndg ak x puas aty.. ak pown wat bodo jer... hahaha.... tyme 2 x pk pnjg g, dok pk dri sndri jer.. x pk owg len pown.. hehehe.... pas2 membe2 ak tego, soh ak kawal temper ak, tp mule2 ak mlas nk ambk port, tp ble ak pk2 blek.. btol gak ckp dorg 2.. pas2 ak try r kawal temper ak.. ble ak msok matrk, ak da promise kt dri ak x maw marah2 tp 2 d gak terlepas 4,5 kali... hehehe.... dok kt mtrk, x rmai yg taw ak niey temper tggi sbnanye... ak jd ok laa... kot?? hehehe... kalo cm org gurau kasa ak leh trime r, ciap leh tmbh2 yg x berkanaan lagi.. hehehe.... dlu x leh pown... kalo dlu kawan2 rapat ak taw r ble ak marah dowg sket pown x brani nk tego ak melainkn ak yg tego dorg dlu.. hehehe..... ble da dok kt mtrk, dok kt u, ak da boleh kawal, walaupown kadang2 terlepas r gak.. tp x rmai yg leh nmpk ka dlm state marah yg amat sgt.. hehehe.... ble da lme2 ak jd cm mlas nk marah org, kalo cm org wat pape yg bleh di katekn layak r untuk dimarah, ak jd cm mlas nk peduli.. bia je laa.... tp d exception gak r.. bkan ak leh tahan marah tok sume mende... ble ak rse cm nk marah jer ak akn dok jaoh2 dri org len.. dok senyap2, istigfar byk2..sbb kalo ak bkk mulut, bahaye...hehehe.... x pown ak akn cbe g bergelak ketawe ke pe ke... kalo ak x wat cm2, t x pasal2 d yg kne sembur walaupown x wat salah pape pown... naye je.... tp semenjak, duemenjak niey, temper ak cm snag ne balik.. ka da riso da.. takot jd cm dlu g.. ak d r gak trpk nk g jmpe kaunselor, tp 2 laa... mlas.. hehehe... bia la ak overcome mende niey sndri... hehehe... boleh ker????  ak niey bahaye ble da marah.. hehehe..... t byk r keluar perkataan2 yg x sepatotnye, lah n ble temper ak da stat nek, even the smallest mistake or the silliest mistake, leh wat ak mengamuk...... ak masih ag blaja nk kawal temper ak... harap2 as time fly, ak leh lower kn temper ak niey.. hehehe..... ak sndri pown takot ble temper ak nek coz ak taw what i'm capable of doing.... hehehe... tp xd la smpi nk g blasah org ker.. hehehe... sbb ak bkn cm some pmpn (ak ckp SOME bkn SEMUA), ble dowg marah gle2 dorg nanges. ak jenis yg akan cri something so ak leh lpaskn marah ak... tp nanges better than running amok.. xd la ak g blari kejar org ngan parang ke pe ke.. hehehehe.... ble ak pk2.. t nk kne kawen ngan owg yg sabar,,... yg leh tolong ak kawal temper ak niey... hahahaha... ke c2 lak pegi nye... blaja pown x abes g Aqilah Nordin oiii!!! hahahaha.... ble ak dok senyap, ak akn try reflect blek dri ak... ak akn try pk rational x ak marah2, perangai ak, byk mende laa ak pk.. kdg2 kalo ak marah coz gadoh ngan sape2, ak akn cbe pk blek sbb pe gadoh... i'll try 2 put myself in his/her shoes.. try rse pe yg dye rse, maybe not as a whole tp at least sket laa.... pk secare rational, jgn marah2 dlu.. kalo dlu ak pk ak je btol, kalo ak rse cm nk marah, ak marah jer.. peduli ape.... hahaha... tp 2 dlu laa... skunk da x daa... tp 2 laa... kadang2 ak x leh nk kawal temper ak, mybe sbb da byk ngat yg ak smpn.. membe bek ak penah ckp, 'ko jgn smpn sume dlm aty ko, t dye makan blek ko dri dalam'... ak sedar mende 2, tp ak x leh nk wat ape.. ak smpn je laa... x pown ak ambk jlan mudah dgn bia je mende 2 tergntung, x yah selesaikn... tp xleh.. t melarat.. ak da penah rse da.. tggl kn malsah n then melarat.. ak gak yg naye... hehehe...... tp 2 laahh.... skunk ak manage g r kawal temper ak walaupown sesekali terlepas.. tp stakat niey xd damage trok laa..... hehehe... hopefully ak leh kawal temper ak in the future n leh pk pnjg n lebih rational... hehehe.... -END-

Sunday 4 December 2011


I’m sad, so sad.
Crying and crying
My day without you is so hard
I hate you, I hate this hurtful pain
My tears keep falling since you left
I still see your face
All those memories of me with you keep coming to my mind
Everyday I meet with all my friends to drink, only remembering your face feels like a dagger in my heart
I forgot that you’ve forgotten that big smile but, we said you said you erased and cleared me from your head
This can’t be like this (really) that can’t be (really)
What will I do?
Baby one last cry
[you're crying inside] Now stop smiling on the outside
Why do my heart and my eyes keep looking at only you?
I’m sad, so sad.
Crying and crying
My day without you is so hard
I hate you, I hate this hurtful pain
My tears keep falling since you left
Are you forgotten? Have you forgotten how I look?
You heard I was fine so you’re comfortable without me?
You didn’t forget about me already
You’re looking for another love. Will you erase me?
I won’t, I’m not saying you only saw me drunk
Will you hear? Are you hearing me calling only for you?
A day (is passing) a month (is passing)
Why does my heart feel the same way?
Baby one last cry
[you're crying inside] Now stop smiling on the outside
Why do my heart and my eyes keep looking at only you?
I’m sad, so sad.
Crying and crying
My day without you is so hard
I hate you, I hate this hurtful pain
My tears keep falling since you left
Come back
I still only see you, I’m waiting for your love
Baby one last cry
[you're crying inside] Now stop smiling on the outside
Why do my heart and my eyes keep looking at only you?
I’m sad, so sad.
Crying and crying
My day without you is so hard
I hate you, I hate this hurtful pain
My heart is crying since your left
don't know why i get stuck to this song.... - one last cry by N- train -
note : a korean song everybody..... hehehehe......
i find this song is very nice and calming... hehehehe.... enjoy~~ 

Thursday 1 December 2011


ak niey.... hmm...... it seems like i cannot forget him no matter how hard i try... come on me.... just think it is just a stupid crush!! he might belong to someone.. but seems like he's don't.. tp ... alaaa bengong laaa.............bia je laa... asal dye idup bahagia ak pown da nk dkat 2 blan x teserempk ngan dye... which has a good news n a bad news behind it... the good news is it can help me to forget him,.... but the bad thing is i miss him~~~ :p :p :p....... hahahaha.... bia la 2... this is out of topic da but.. lgu fav ak lately ialah winter rose.... tvxq yg nyanyi... japanese song.. n somehow the meaning of the lyrics terkesan kt aty ak... hehehe...

Fuyuno seizano youni gairojuno akari
Sorawo oou beruno yukino otogasuru
Hanareteita jikanmo daite dakishimete
Want kiss sotto My love motto
Fukaku tsutaetai bokuha
Kimiga ireba soredeii
Sousa close to heart, close to my love
Tatta hitotsu shikanai aiga kokoni arukara
Kimino tameni irebaii
Itsumo close to heart, close to your love
Tokimekiwo kasaneau kokorono nakani winter rose
Kinya ginno mall ni afureru hitonami
Chiisana hakowo daita kimiga kaketekuru
Sono isshunni munega shimetsukerarete
Want kiss zutto Your love kitto
Kotaewo mitsuketa bokuha
Kimiga ireba soredeii
Sousa close to heart, close to my love
Futari dakewo futariha shinjite irareru hazu
Kimino tameni irebaii
Itsumo close to heart, close to your love
Samishisamo wakariau kokorono nakani winter rose
Imamadeno donna omoide nimo
Tada kono ichinichiwo yurushite
no more tears no more lies
Konyaha shiawasega mukuwareru tameno yorusa
Tsuyoku futariha musubareteru tsuyoku
Kimiga ireba soredeii
Sousa close to heart, close to my love
Tatta hitotsu shikanai aiga kokoni arukara
Kimino tameni irebaii
Itsumo close to heart, close to your love
Tokimekiwo kasaneau kokorono nakani winter rose
The winter stars, the illuminations on the roadside trees
The veil covering skies, the sound of the falling snow
Hug, hugging even the times we were apart
I want to kiss you softly, my love, more and more
I want to convey my deep feelings to you
My only hope is that, you be at my side
Yes, close to heart, close to my love
The one and only love is here in my hands
I will be here only for you, always
Close to heart, close to your love
Our love blends together, in our hearts, winter rose
The crowds overflowing in the golden and silver malls
You are running to me with a small box in your hand
Watching you at that moment, my heart leaps
I want to kiss you forever, your love, surely
I’ve finally found my answer
My only hope is that, you be at my side
Yes, close to heart, close to my love
We should be able to believe in our love
I will be here only for you, always
Close to heart, close to your love
We can even share our loneliness, in our hearts, winter rose
For each memory we hold up to this moment
Please forgive this day, no more tears, no more lies
Tonight shall be the time our happiness would be rewarded
We are strongly tied together, so strongly
My only hope is that, you be at my side
Yes, close to heart, close to my love
The one and only love is here in my hands
I will be here only for you, always
Close to heart, close to your love
Our love blends together, in our hearts, winter rose
hehehehe..... try finding the song on utube... hehehe... enjoy~~

Tuesday 29 November 2011


ak x taw r mende niey ble timbul.. da lme ker, bru lg ker.. ntah.. tp yg pasti ak je la yg bru taw.. hahaha.... ak x penah r g kne tipu ngan owg linguaphone niey... wk2 ak kt mtrk dlu byk kali r gak dowg dtg tp ak lau tepi wat dono jer... wat pe bli mahal nk mati... first tyme ak jmpe owg2 yg jual linguaphone niey tyme mtrk gak... tp bkn dlm kolej r kt lua.. ak g merendek ngan membe2 ak... pas2 ktowg msok 1 shopping mall niey n d r owg2 linguaphone kt tgh2 alam kt dlm shopping mall 2... mule2 ktowg lalu wat bodo jer... owg 2 pggl gak ktowg tp ktowg wat dono jer.. pas2 ble da 2,3 kali lalu asyik pggl jer, ak n membe2 ak rse cm x sdp aty r plak.. ok la ktorg pown stop n entertain owg 2 jap... dye kte nk ckp 10 mnit jer... dri 10 mnit, jd sejam lebey... ak n membe2 ak da x snag ddk da... last2 ktowg kte, t r kak, nk tnye mak dlu...pas2 ktowg blah.. hrge da r 2K elaon mtrk pown x smpi 2K... membazir jer... bek ak msok klas bi kt mtrk yg mne da sah2 ak x yah byr... lg afdal... blaja ngan mesin wat pe?? pas2 bru2 niey ky U ak n membe ak sowg niey kne gak tahn ngan owg linguaphone niey, ktowg da r ber2 je, dowg 3 owg kepung ak kn membe ak cm rekrut ktowg jw.. ntah pape ntah... pas2 tnye r dlu blaja mne, MUET dpt brape... pas2 dye kte kt ak, 'dik kalo MUET niey band 3 da bese, kte kne dpt band 4 bru cm bgos' dye kte laa.... pas2 ak ckp r ' MUET sye band 3 lgi sket je nk g band 4'... hah!! amek ko!! ngange akak 2 kejap.. pas2 ak ckp yg ak da taw da progrm niey, pown dye terpana jap... hahahaha...... pas2 dye soh ak sebut 'restaurant', ak p0wn sebut r british like g2... pas2 dye leh x dgr, ak pown lyan je laa.... ak dgr g2 g2 jer... mmg x penah terniat di aty nk gne pown... dye kte kt ak david beckham n wife r gne mende niey nk blaja spanish r pe r... pas2 dye cm soh ak bli pas2 ak ckp r.. t r nk tnye mak dlu.. pas2 dye kte kt ak col r mak skunk... ak ckp r mak ak bz ary niey ary rabu jadial mak penoh.. pas2 dye soh ak tpon bapak ak plak... ak tros x jwb... maleh lyan.. akak yg kt ak 2 cm ok la... membe ak lg cian.. da r sesi dye lme dri ak, pas2 akak 2 pkse2 plak dye sih bli.. membe ak da cuit2 ak da, ak pham r 2 dye x maw bli, pas2 akak 2 pkse2 ag... tnye 'knape xleh bli? t rugi.. kalo nk blaja, x ragu2...beli laa...' membe ak ckp 't laa bli'... pas2 akak 2 kte' knape nanti? cbe bgtaw akak' ..... pas2 mke akak 2 lme2 da jd cm x ikhlas jer... wak2 mle2 nk promote senyum bkan men g... ntah pape ntah..mka akak 2 da cm nk cri gadoh jer... berdalih punye berdalih.. last2 lpas r gak ktowg.... lega aty ak n membe ak 2... hahaha..... mmg x la nk bli memde niey, wat abes duet ak jer....hehehehe.....nk taw g google 'linguaphone penipu'....

Saturday 12 November 2011



npe ek.... rndu sgt... smggu lpas cm x rse ngat, tp bile da blek cniey, impak dye cm kuat gle... cm rndu sgt2... da 3 mggu x nmpk dye... susa kn ble da ske kt owg yg don't even know u... u don't even know whether he realized that i exist or not... my i should forget him, just give it up cuz u will never get him in any way.... or mybe u should just wait.. but wait for what??? it seems like u will gain nothing out of waiting... but in the same time half of u don't want to give him up, seems like u have some kind of hope even though u din't even know where the hope comes from...  i wish him happiness and health... i will pray for him from far.. hehehe... who knows mybe one day i will find somebody better than him.. hehehe.... *rse over plak post niey...pape je la....*

Thursday 10 November 2011

abes daa~~~

ctie da abesss....... alaa...... kne blek u...... hehehehe.... xpe2... t blan 1 ctie ag.. hehehehe.... x r.. sbna nye x saba nk blek u nk jmpe kengkawan, nk g test... hehehe.. lg cpat abes test lg bgus... stresss..... hehehehe..... ari niey ak blek u ngan Asilah Najib.. hehehe... membe ak yg dok kt Kerteh, Terengganu.... ary niey da msok 3 ary ak dok lpak kt umah dye.. hehehe.... smlm ktorg g jln2 kt kerteh.. g mesre mall... ak d bli kasot bru... hehehe... mle2 hrge kasot ak 2, 89.00, tp gne member card akak silah, dpt r half price, 42.50... hehehe.... time kaseh akak kpd silah!! hehehe..... heheheh... t d mse ak update r g pape, k... hehehe... bubye...

Friday 4 November 2011

da smpi umah!!! yay!! hehehehe... setelah hmpr 2 bln x jenguk umah ak niey, hehehehe.... gumbire dpt blek...
kucing ak p0wn makin gemookkkk..... hahahaha.......  sok nk rye qurban tarikh raye taon niey jatoh sme ngan tarikh besday ak... hehehehe.... happy besday qurban to me.... hehehehe.....

Tuesday 25 October 2011


hehehe.... cam x caye da msok u..... first post niey.... dok kt u jmpe membe2 lmer, junior2 skolah, dak2 matrik.... n jmpe byk r manusia2 bru.... hahahahaha......

ak dok UMT ambek kos Tennologi Alam Sekitar or nme glemer nye, EnTech (environmental technology).... hehehe.... 4 taon la ak dok menetap kt t'ganu nk menghabes kn kos yg 1 niey....

ak nk cter ak d jmpe dak2 yg sespesis ngan ak niey, hehehe..... yg pale otak senget2,,, najibah yahya, azlinawati ahmad n asilah mohd najib... hehehehe......

wk2 mggu mjm, hehehe..... ak terjmpe sowg senior encem  niey.... hehehe,,..... fasi 2, hehehehe...... comel la kire nye...ok ttp cte fasi... meh ak cte sal life at UMT.....

kanak2 istimewe yg jd membe sye 2 UMT niey mmg istimewe dlm kte len masing2 d sifat 'istimewe' masing2.... hahaha.....  xleh nk cte lbey2 t terbkk aib owg plak...hehehe..... tp yg pnting,dowg sume sporting2, appy2, byk gka r rahsie2 yg di kongsi bersame.... result matrik, owg yg disukai, di sayangi,..... hehehe..... byk la....